As with all Australian schools, Immaculate Heart Catholic Primary School is implementing, teaching, learning, planning and assessing with the new national curriculum. The curriculum is that set down by the ACARA (Australian Curriculum And Reporting Authority).
The Religious Education Curriculum is the Brisbane Catholic Education Syllabus in partnership with the Brisbane Catholic Education Religious Life of the School document.
Information Communication & Learning Technologies (ICLT) is embedded across subject areas and features prominently in the Australian Curriculum.
All subject areas are reported upon to parents at teacher interviews in Term One and Three and on formal written reports in Term Two and Four.
Immaculate Heart Catholic Primary School takes seriously its responsibility to implement comprehensively the required curriculum. It prioritises & values pedagogy promoting experience rich, inquiry based teaching and learning which is differentiated according to the needs in our classrooms.
Our school based programs are developed to meet the interests, needs and abilities of all our students. Continuous monitoring of children’s progress informs our planning. Teachers are supported in providing an exciting and relevant curriculum through staff professional development, networking and collaborative planning time.

Image: © Brisbane Catholic Education, Immaculate Heart Catholic Primary School (2024)